W2 Sketch

My week 2 assignment I have my background generate a random greyscale color every time i run the sketch. Then drew a square in the middle of the canvas with its size and rotation controlled by mouse position.  The size is determined by the distance between mouse position and the center of the canvas, s=dist(width/2,height/2,mouseX,mouseY); The rotation angle is controlled by mouse position relative to the center of the canvas. I drew this diagram to better illustrate how I derive the angle of rotation from mouseX and mouseY, by using arctangent formula, in p5js reference, I found atan().


Then I drew four smaller rectangles on four corner of the canvas and have them rotate and change color over time independent of the mouse.

I found it mesmerizing to play with the image. Depending on the speed I move my mouse and the direction I rotate my mouse, each time I create completely different effect like the ones below.

link to my sketch:https://editor.p5js.org/ada10086/sketches/S1y0dvB_X